Lost it again.
On the way out with my bag of "Congratulations You're Pregnant Bag" in hand, I had to stop and give blood.
Blood Lady, "Name?"..."Birth date"..."Which Arm"...
Yes, that blunt, that unfriendly. She missed, moved the needle around, never got any blood and left me with an immediate hematoma.
Next Arm...she got after a minute. Took the needle out, placed a bandage on and NEVER.SAID. A.WORD.
I walked out and blood started immediately pouring down my arm. So I had to go back in, get it cleaned it up, SHE still said nothing, and I left. The pure rudeness did me in. I lost it again.
I bawled in Ryan's arms for a good ten minutes. We immediately started messaging close friends and family to pray for us. They did. I know, I felt it. Many just knew God would perform a miracle or that this was all just a technology mistake. Firmly believed everything would turn out okay. Heck I did too!
More waiting began. That was a Thursday. We had to wait until Monday morning to do the second round of blood work to see if my numbers were doubling and if it was in fact a technology mistake. Monday came and went. Blood work done. No phone call.
We really believed.
April 15, 2014
Tuesday morning I began calling at 8 a.m. the nurse called around 9:30 stating it wasn't looking good and that the doctor would call me as soon as possible, but that he wanted me to have a heads up that my numbers didn't double/triple like they should've.
So I waited until 3:30ish when I finally heard from him myself that there was no hope. No chance. The baby stopped growing. To me this was the day the miscarriage happened. I'll never know the exact day things went South, but this day was it for me.
He still wanted me to go in for my already scheduled ultrasound on Thursday where I watched a screen that showed where there once was a sack was no longer even there. Then more blood work and yes more waiting. By this time it was Easter weekend. The office was closed for Good Friday. SO I awaited the results of whether or not my body was taking care of things on its own or if I needed surgery.
Monday 8 a.m. the call came. Looks like your levels are rising (in my mind this was my last chance of hope). I still believed in a miracle. He proceeded with how this happens and causes things to draw out for weeks (up to that point I had still seen NO blood since my last period Feb. 19th).
...I'm not sure God's plan, but a miracle wasn't it. No technology mistake. No baby.
I informed him this could not drag out for weeks and he absolutely without hesitation said "I really need to get you in ASAP." The next morning at 5:45 was ASAP. That day was so surreal, the whole experience really. I made arrangements for Aubree and myself. Tuesday came and went. Oh and I went in for one last ultrasound, my choice, just to make sure.
The surgery (D&C) was horrible. The
We tried 8 months. We finally made a baby. We lost it.
I know MANY people have way worse situations/stories. Longer wait periods, etc. I'm not making light of anyone's story. But this is ours. Ours to mourn. Ours to move on from.
Tomorrow will be two weeks. No one mentions it much anymore. Everyone else moves on way before I'm ready to. Maybe that's good. Maybe I should too...I still cry a lot, I don't mean to. But to me that baby was a boy. His precious nursery was planned, baseball themed of course. My mornings were spent pinning ideas on pinterest since March 25th.
There is a lesson to be learned, a revelation to be seen. All of the above. I know this. I'll, in my own time, be fine.
Loss sucks no matter if you ever met the person or not. Never take it for granted!
Sweet friend! I'm so so sorry! I've been here. I still remember the day, the details, when we lost baby number one, and the same when we lost Owen. I still grieve, still cry, still mourn. And I think it's normal. You will NEVER get over it. It will always a part of your story and who you are now. I love you girl!
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