Monday, May 16, 2011


Exodus 5, yes, a couple of days late;

So brief summary...God sends Moses to Pharaoh. Pharaoh wouldn't respect Moses or Aaron because he did not know who God was...(have you ever had to talk to someone in this day and age who doesn't know or could careless to know God?)
M and A were obedient and persistant because God commanded them to do so. However, they didn't get the response they hoped for and needed. This meant harder work and more oppression for the Hebrews. They were suffering! Are you following God but suffering at the same time? I don't think that always means God has lost favor in us, but that we may be suffering for doing good in an evil world!
As the story continues Pharaoh keeps increasing the work load and taking away supplies needed to get the job done! They were whipped if unable to produce the adequate amount of work. I think this paints of the picture of how it can go when God is at work! We may suffer, have setbacks and hardships. James 1:2-4 talks about how we should consider it PURE JOY when trials come our way...Say WHAT?!?!? I may consider it something, but joy isn't the first thing that comes to my mind. But I do know that problems "trials" develop several things in us: strength, patience, perservance, character...I think if God were to speak to me flat out in the middle of hardships he would say: 1-trust me to do what is best for you. 2-look for ways to honor me in this present situation. 3-remember I will not abandon you EVER. 4- keep watching for my plan.

What have you learned about God during your hardships? Do you consider trials Pure Joy???


Unknown said...

Funny. I was listening to MercyMe earlier today and one of their songs called "Always" says, "count it pure joy when your world comes crashing hold your head up and keep on dancing" I'm not very good at counting my trials pure joy while I am going through them but afterwards I am always amazed at how I come out refined. I pray I get better at this.

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