Friday, July 15, 2011

90 to nothing

...that is the speed at which my brain is constantly going at. I don't know how to silence it. I fall asleep thinking, wake up around 3 or 4 a.m. for a quick bathroom trip, thinking, fall asleep again thinking, wake up for the day thinking. AHHHHHH this is me screaming! I don't know if this is normal? Do you do this?
On mind:
  • What is the new school year going to be like? New Grade? New curriculum? How do I set up my room?
  • How can I get this sewing thing to take off? What legal steps do I need to take? *ADVICE NEEDED*
  • Should I change my business name to Simply Snell? *OPINIONS WANTED*
  • I need to read, I have put that off this summer!
  • I don't really want to go to Virginia for 8 days in the heat.
  • Is it wrong that I prefer to read the bible from my phone? *OPINIONS WANTED*
  • I need to cook more!
  • Should I start couponing?
I appreciate any and all feedback.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Seriously? There is only 2 of us

I guess I have some work that needs to be done today. Either my days are running together or this sink really was empty YESTERDAY! As the title of this post says, there are only 2 people who reside in The Trails subdivision. Yet, this looks more like a family of 4. I wish I could say it's all my good cooking but I don't recall there being much of that lately. I want a maid, wishful thinking, but then I could have the freedom to focus more on sewing then balancing this as well. Okay I am done complaining, I was just saying it'd be nice.

Ideas on how you stay on top of household chores would be appreciated.
Disclaimer: I blame my husband for my getting behind. After all he says I don't want you doing this kind of stuff all summer and our house doesn't have to be perfect all the time. Me: If you say so buddy!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

An odd day

Yesterday was so weird! Everything (Bible study and lunch) was wonderful...things changed after lunch. I went to the grocery store where many odd events took place. First, I went shopping in the complete opposite direction. I started on the health and beauty side of the store. NEVER do that. Not that it matters, just saying. I found myself barely able to finish the trip due to an all the sudden case of exhaustion! While in the checkout line my bill ran up to 98.00. No big deal until I tried handing the lady a 20 and was convinced in my mind that it was a 100. She looked at me like I was insane and I apologized a million times. Left and started to load things in my car when this man got out of his and without missing I beat I asked him to help me. WHAT?!?!?! Never have I done that, but I couldn't lift for some reason. Drove home and was forced to unload them myself, as I was the only one home. Unloaded and cleaned for dinner guests. But all I wanted to do the whole time was sleep. My eyes kept closing but no time to sleep. I had to leave my house at 4 for a meeting at school with my new teammates (which was wonderful). However, while there I yawned a hundred times and felt completely rude. At some point our conversations it got better. At 6 I left because our company would arrive at 6:30, I wasn't worried though because Ryan was going to start cooking and I had previously had the stuff ready to go. BUT I called him on my way home and he was just leaving the office! OH NO! Cody and Alisha would arrive in 15 minutes, neither of us were home yet, and nothing was prepared. I wasn't mad at Ryan, I understand his work load, but for some reason I just starting crying! HARD! My very symphatetic husband was like are you okay and all I could say was I'm just exhausted. All I can think about is going to sleep. He asked if I wanted to cancel and of course I said No. 10 minutes of crying seemed to cure all for awhile. But it was the weirdest thing. It's summer I have no reason to be that tired, I didn't do anything but study God's word, eat lunch, and grocery shop. I do that all the time. I come home from field day with more energy than that. It was a weird unexplainable day for sure!

Oh: Dinner was wonderful and I perked up!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Peace in the storms

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your savior."~Isaiah 43:2-3

What a comforting and peaceful promise! I am learning so much in Beth Moore's Breaking Free study! Her ability to pull scripture from all over the bible amazes me. Her homework day 5 of week 2 talked a lot about enjoying God's presence even in the midst of storms. In 2006 I faced one of the biggest storms of my life thus far. Throughout that process I have never experienced God's love, peace, patience, and promises as I did then. It was a tough road and things weren't always peachy with the Lord and I, but nonetheless, He never left me. He showed me love and patience every second of my healing process. I love the verse above for many reasons: 1) It says WHEN you go through these troubles, meaning we will it's just a matter of timing. 2) It says you will NOT be overtaken by anything you go through. 3) He says again He is our Lord, our Savior. Gives me chills!

I learned through experience He may not calm the storm immediately, but He promises He will be with right there every step of the way!

Psalm 16:11 "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever."

If you're in the middle of a storm. Take heart, you will come out on top; stronger than you can imagine.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A fireworksless 4th

Yesterday was not a typical 4th of July celebration for us, as most probably experienced. We spent most of the day driving back from Magnolia (my parents new residence). We went home for a dear friends wedding. We were extremely lazy the morning of the 4th...because we are all addicted to the Casey Anthony trial. Many hours have been spent in front of the television this past weekend (sadly to say). My mom cooked a delish lunch and then we hit the road. For some reason the drive was insanely miserable. I was bored beyond belief. Ryan kept making fun of me. My ADD-ness was out of control. I can't even think about how we have to make the trip again this weekend!! AHHHHHHHH it makes me want to scream. Should we move back to the area or not has been on my mind!?!?!?! Contemplating! Anyways, by the time we got home it was dinner time and we weren't feeling going or doing anything. We picked up a pizza and caught up on the DVR. Needless to say no family fun, no friends, and no fireworks for the Snells this 4th of July.

What did you get to do this 4th of July?
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