Friday, June 3, 2011

Can I get a witness?

Acts 4
This morning I dug into Acts 4. It continues on with Peter and John witnessing. Take a minute to read it!
Anyways, they got arrested, went before the council, and got out because God is...well God and awesome.
Before I get to the part I want to focus on I want us to stop and think...It is not very often if at all anymore to get arrested for sharing the good news...but there are still risks involved. I think we'd all be willing to spend a night in jail if we knew 5,000 people (more or even less) would come to know the Lord. But the thought to ponder is, shouldn't we be willing to risk SOMETHING to see one person come to know Him? I think the main thing that has held me up lately is one, probably laziness and two what I am going to lose? Selfish-I know, but I have to be honest. We all know it is a risk, but we all should also know that anything we do for the Lord is not wasted! But do we is the question!
I am the one hindering my selfish self, because honestly whatever it is I am holding onto I know the Lord has something far better for me. It takes me back to the verse Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 3:5, there are many more to back up the fact that God has my best interest in mind and wants to bless me more than I can even imagine. Yet I sit stuck, holding on to nothing, not ready to let go. Sad. Pathetic. Me. I know.
Scard of rejection? Yes I am.
Then I am reminded of this verse. "If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32
Ummmm HELLO! And I am scared of rejection-whatever! NO more. The absolute only one I need to be acknowledged by is my Savior!

As my dad says every Sunday..."Go and be the church!"
Yes sir!


Amanda McCusker said...

That is very true. I too, am afraid of losing something, or even moreso, of being rejected. That is a hard one. I guess that is where faith comes that God is with us when we step out and that he fills us with grace when we fail. I love your dad's quote too, it is so true!


Heather said...

Acceptance is a universal desire among all people. No need to look for it anywhere except from God.

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