Friday, June 24, 2011

We can be faithful to God and still....

be attacked by the enemy.

This morning, Day 4 of Beth Moore's Breaking Free Bible Study, I learned A LOT!
She has such a way of making you see things through scripture that I am unable to on my own. I am thankful for God's calling on her life. As a woman I know she has helped me tremendously!

"We can be faithful to God and centered in His will and still be attacked by the enemy. Sometimes our enemy attacks the weak and wandering believers because they are easy prey. Other times he attacks competent, fully surrendered servants of God for the challenge and the possible contagious effect of a fall. Let's not be fooled into thinking we can somehow avoid all Satan's attempts to take us captive. We are wise never to consider ourselves invulnerable, so that we stay alert and aware at all times. Satan cannot force us to go where he leads, but he can certainly choose a scenic route for a lure."~Beth Moore

Powerful, true, scary. I don't know where you fall: weak and wandering or competent and fully surrender. I do know that we must always be on our A game, guarded and ready to fight off an attack that may come our way. It may be as small as a negative or jealous thought towards something or someone or as big as (you can insert what you think could be considered big).

My prayer for myself and others is that we never let our guard down, we remember who gave us life and everything in it, and that we encourage each other in our christian walk.

I love the space God has blessed me with to study His word and coffee!


Unknown said...

Love that space too!! So blessed to be in the word with you again this summer. LOVE YOU!

Amanda McCusker said...

That is a beautiful word. I love your study space. I have found in my walk that the more you are committed to God and His calling the more the devil attacks you. Stay strong and keep your eyes on God. God Bless!

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